For information contact: Tammy Baraconi
City of Kelso Planning Manager
(360) 577-3321
Planning Commission and Park Board Vacancies
Kelso, WA – July 19, 2017
The City of Kelso has an opening on both the Planning Commission and the Park Board. All citizens within the City Limits of Kelso and over the age of 18 are eligible to apply. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Commissions and boards are a great way for citizens to give back to their community without committing to a great deal of time.
The Planning Commission meets once a month on the second Tuesday of each month at 6PM in the Council Chambers. The Planning Commission works closely with staff to create recommendations to the Council on zoning ordinances, plan amendments, annexations, and other topics related to the development of the community. This is a great opportunity for someone interested in actively participating in the way Kelso regulates land development within the City Limits.
The Park Board meets once a month on the third Thursday of each month at 5PM in the Council Chambers. The Park Board works with staff to ensure that citizens overall vision for the parks as described in the Park Master Plan are realized. This Board also works in an advisory capacity for the Council, making recommendations on park plans and other types of guiding documents pertaining to parks. This would be a great chance for anyone that would like to see our local park system flourish and meet the needs of generations to come.
All commission and board positions are appointed by the Council. To apply go to the City’s website at www.kelso.gov and click ‘Your Government’ and then ‘Boards and Commissions’. There you will find an application that you can print out. Or come in and ask anyone in Finance or Community Development for a paper copy. After you have filled it out you can bring it in to City Hall, mail it in, or email it to me at tbaraconi@kelso.gov.